Nowadays it seems like having a travel blog may be proven moot with the COVID-19 pandemic that is our reality today.

Who would have thought that a global pandemic would bring the world to its knees? From everyone required to stay at home and work from home if they can to all domestic and international flights cancelled on a global scale because countries started closing their borders. For Australia, not only did they close their borders, Australia closed their domestic borders to discourage interstate travel until the curve was flattened. Countries going into complete lockdown. Streets that are always hustling and bustling have become a ghost town in a matter of days. All businesses that are deemed “non-essential” to close their doors to the public and the list goes on. Having to accept that this is our new “normal”. This is what kids in the next 10-20 years will be reading about in their textbooks. Just like how growing up, we read about WWI and WWII or listening to our grandparents talk about the war. This will be the story for future generations to come.

Everyone has been impacted by this pandemic in one way or another. Some more so than others. However, I would like to focus on the positive aspect of this pandemic.  I have noticed the following things from my personal experiences:

  • Innovation – many businesses have shown to be very resilient by being innovative in the way they carry out their business while operating within the parameters of restrictions in order to stay afloat
    • This will change how businesses will be conducting their businesses post pandemic moving forward eg offering services online
      • I have recently signed up for a puppy class and the puppy class is all done online. Traditionally, the puppy classes have always been taught face to face but due the circumstances, everything was moved to online. However, after speaking to the dog trainer, this has been a whole new ball game for her. She has people all over Australia signing up for her classes where previously they couldn’t attend her class. Her ability to focus on each of her clients was better because it was all in one place, on her tablet. She had advised she was able to conduct more online classes than the face to face classes. This have forever changed her business in a way she had never considered before.
      • I have a friend who is a physiotherapist that started offering his consultation services online.
      • Bars offering cocktail delivery
  • Focus on Hygiene – People are more conscious than ever before about maintaining proper hygiene. Even though it is kind of sad that it takes a pandemic for people to practice proper hygiene but nonetheless, people are developing proper habits.
  • Connecting with Loved Ones – I find that ever since the lockdown/quarantine was in place, people are starting to connect more than ever. People are reaching out to loved ones they haven’t spoken to in a long time.
  • Hobbies – People are noticing they have more time on their hands so they have started exploring new hobbies or revisiting old hobbies they left on the side lines. When I check out my regular social media channels, I have noticed that people have been baking/cooking more. Some have started exploring new hobbies like crocheting.

That is a very short list of what I have observed during my time in “lockdown” thus far. What are positive things have you observed during the pandemic? Put it in the comments below.

We are starting to hear that the restrictions are starting to ease for a lot of countries and we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Some people are saying that us, humans, will always forget about what we have overcome in the coming years but they can’t argue the fact that this pandemic will change our lives forever.

Categories: Travel To Be


Red · May 20, 2020 at 6:33 pm

No travel! Honestly, the single greatest thing about the lockdown has been not having to travel to and from work. That’s hours of extra time each week (literally, ha!) otherwise spent standing on a bus or train!

    Sara · June 17, 2020 at 4:07 pm

    Hi Red,

    I totally agree! Interesting to see nowadays a lot of companies are starting to reevaluate the idea of working from home. Some companies are even looking to get rid of office space.

Liana · September 18, 2020 at 11:30 pm

All good points, Sara! It’s good to have some positive outlook and not always focus on the negatives.

Connecting with loved ones is definitely a positive from this pandemic! I’ve reconnected with friends and family that I normally don’t speak to on a regular basis.

And I agree with Red – working from home is a big plus! Though I’ve been working longer hours at least I can do so from the comfort of my home and in my pj’s (haha). Of course, cutting the travel time is awesome.

Though can’t wait to be able to travel again! I want to hear/read more about your travels again!

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